Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Compare and Contrast

If you haven't done so already, check out Obama's speech to Congress from last night:

And compare that with the Republican response from "rising star" Bobby Jindal:

In one corner you have hope, inspiration, determination, and plain good ideas. In the other you have pointless rhetoric and a tone that came off like he was talking to pre-schoolers.

That's your rising star, GOP!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama's First State of the Union

Full text can be found here.

It was a speech full of specifics, hope, and everything we elected Barack Obama to be for our country.

Chartering a New Direction for Macomb County

As you know, Macomb County voters elected a Charter Commission to draft a new charter for the county. The result of this charter could mean a completely restructured government with a smaller County Commission and the creation of the Office of the County Executive to oversee day-to-day operations in Macomb County.

To stay on top of what the Charter Commissioner is doing, don't rely on newspapers or television, take the initiative to keep yourself informed by visiting Macomb County Clerk/Register of Deeds Carmella Sabaugh's website devoted to the Charter Commission.

You can access a calendar for meeting dates and times, contact information for each Charter Commissioner (know your elected officials!), and the best of all, live streaming audio of meetings as they occur, or archived audio, so you can download old meetings and listen at home, in the car, or on the go with your .mp3 device! Just click the "Live Streaming Audio" title at the top of the page for the live stream and archived audio from every full and committee meeting.

This is your opportunity to stay on the cutting edge of Macomb County government, and to make your voice heard like never before!

Our First Update

Greetings, everyone!

This is the first (of many) updates to the Macomb County Democratic Party blog. Soon this blog will expand by leaps and bounds, and you will be able to stay connected with the Macomb County Democratic Party, its members, and the Democratic candidates running for local, county, state, and national office.

We already have a Twitter feed (get live updates of information from the Macomb Democratic nerve center!) and a YouTube channel (see candidate platform videos, party events, and unique programming direct from your Democratic elected officials!), and very soon we'll have a unique RSS feed for you to stay connected no matter where you are, digg and del.ici.ous accounts so you can tag key stories related to Macomb County Democrats, links to blogger profiles for individual candidates, live chats with candidates, and so much more.

In the mean time, please visit our website at and drop us a line at